Plumber in Orlando » Sewer Line Repair in Orlando, FL

Sewer Line Repair in Orlando, FL

Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumber ready to complete sewer line repair in Orlando, FL.Protect Your Health and Property With Sewer Line Repair Services

Your sewer line removes waste from your home and deposits it into the main sewer. It keeps the waste away from your house and family when it’s working correctly, but that changes if it malfunctions.

If your sewer pipe leaks, you could be exposed to dangerous viruses, bacteria, and toxins. A leaking or faulty sewer line is also an environmental hazard and can damage your home’s structural integrity.

With so much on the line, you need to use Service Minds Benjamin Franklin for sewer line repair in Orlando, FL. Our punctual plumbers will restore your sewer line quickly so you can put thoughts of raw sewage behind you.

Signs You Need Sewer Line Repair

Your sewer line can last 50 to 100 years with proper maintenance. That means you need to handle sewer line repairs right away.

Call Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing if you have signs of sewer line damage, such as:

  • Unusually Green Patches of Grass

    • Green grass is always the goal, but it can also be a warning sign of sewer line damage. Sewage fertilizes grass, so the grass gets greener when exposed to waste from a leaking sewer line. As much as you might like green grass, you don’t want to put off repairing your sewer line. Delaying repairs could lead to a soggy yard, foul sewage smells, and other problems.
  • Rodents and Pests in Your Yard

    • Keeping pests at bay can feel like a full-time job in Orlando. The city is home to all kinds of pests and is one of the most rat-infested places in the country. Unfortunately, a faulty sewer line can make the pest problem worse. Rats, cockroaches, flies, and other pests are drawn to sewage, so you might see creatures around your home more often if you have a sewer line issue.
  • Slow Draining

    • Clogs in the sewer line can prevent your drains from functioning properly. If you don’t remove the clog, it can get larger and shut down your plumbing.
  • Indentions in the Lawn

    • A cracked sewer line can leak into the soil, transforming dry dirt into mud. The soil will eventually soften, dip, and cause indentations in the lawn.

The Trusted Plumbers for Sewer Line Repair in Orlando, FL

Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing quickly and effectively repairs sewer lines throughout Orlando. Our punctual plumbers arrive on time, bring the necessary equipment and parts, and check all repairs are completed before leaving. Ensure your sewer line is safe and functional by scheduling a repair with Service Minds Benjamin Franklin today.