Plumber in Orlando » Well Pump Repair in Orlando, FL

Well Pump Repair in Orlando, FL

Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbers are ready to complete Well Pump Repair in Orlando, FL.Keep the Water Flowing With Well Pump Repair

Many Orlando residents rely on private wells for drinking water, bathing, and other household tasks requiring water. If you’re among them, you count on your well pump to move the water from the well to your house. Because it plays a key role in supplying your household with water, staying on top of repairs is important.

The punctual plumbers at Service Minds Benjamin Franklin provide hassle-free well pump repair in Orlando, FL. Call us for a fast and efficient repair backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

When to Schedule Well Pump Repair

You can save money and avoid significant damage by getting your well pump repaired at the first sign of a problem. Call Service Minds Benjamin Franklin if you notice any of these signs of a faulty or malfunctioning well pump:

  • Low or Fluctuating Water Pressure

    • Damaged well pumps can cause the water pressure to drop or go up and down. You might notice a sudden change, or it could be gradual. It’s important to address the problem, even if it’s just a small change.
  • Short Cycling

    • Your well pump goes through cycles each day, meaning it turns off and back on. A damaged control switch or another problem can cause it to cycle on and off when pumping water. Short cycling puts stress on the pump, and a fast repair can prevent it from wearing out prematurely.
  • Rising Electric Bills

    • It’s easy to blame high energy bills on your air conditioner when you live in Orlando, but your well pump could be to blame. Faulty well pumps aren’t as efficient, so they consume more energy. That, in turn, causes your electric bills to go up.
  • Foul Smells

    • A rotten egg smell from your faucet is a sign that you need a plumber to inspect and repair your well pump. Your pump is likely distributing water with sediment and other contaminants, which causes a foul odor. You can fix this problem by getting your well pump repaired.

Protect Your Plumbing With Well Pump Repair in Orlando, FL

A minor issue with your well pump can become a major problem without a timely repair. Your household needs water to function, so make an appointment with Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. Our punctual plumbers will come out to your home quickly, assess the pump, and discuss possible solutions. Then, we’ll repair your well pump so it’ll provide you with all the clean water you need.